SSCL Spring Bus Tour Announcement 2024

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

$65 per person (includes GST)

Dundurn and area attractions

Tickets: Will go on sale on May 6 at 9:00AM with registration closing May 22, 2024 at 5:00 PM. Payment is through our online SSCL website at

Tickets are non-refundable but should you be unable to attend we will attempt to connect you with those on our waiting list to sell your ticket.

Questions? or 306-343-6773


From your evaluations of past bus tours, we have chosen a site much closer to Saskatoon. We will drive to Dundurn on a comfortable bathroom equipped bus to tour area attractions:

Wilson Museum: 9:45 to 10:45 A community-run, not-for-profit museum. Features including a full 1920 Saskatoon hospital room, iron lung, plane made of cigarette wrappers, teepee, decommissioned military bombs, general store and schoolhouse are a few of the items we can experience.

Dundurn Firehall 11:00- 11:30: The volunteer firefighters are pleased to host us and explain the hall and their work.

Dundurn Community Park and Labyrinth 11:30 to 12:00: Enjoy a relaxing walk around the labyrinth and park to refresh our minds in a peaceful setting.

Lunch12:15 to 1:15: across the street from the park at Big Murs Tavern and Patio. We will be served a sandwich, soup, vegetables, coffee, tea, and dessert.

 Please indicate if you have dietary restrictions when you register so that we may accommodate them.

Hiebert’s Hot Shop 1:30 to 2:30 We’ll visit this well-known artisan’s shop to view examples of award-winning glass blowing, sculpting, pottery, stained glass. The hot shop will not be active when we visit.

Lost River Hutterite Colony 3:00 to 4:15: This colony offered to share their life and culture by touring our group through their colony. Modest attire is encouraged.

Around 4:30-4:45 we will board the bus for our drive back to Saskatoon arriving at our drop off locations around 5:15-5:30.

Departure Information:

West side of Saskatoon: The bus will load at 8:00 AM, leaving at 8:15 AM at Thomas Cook restaurant (former CPR station) on Idlywyld Drive. Please contact Ann Marie Schramm at 1-306-716-0048 to receive the map of parking spots we have been allotted.

East side of Saskatoon: Our second pick up location will be Market Mall (northwest corner of the lot) beginning at 8:30 leaving at 8:50AM. Please arrange drop-off or park on adjacent streets since we have not been granted permission to park on the lot.

Trip Information and suggestions:

Wear good walking shoes as the tour involves some gravel stretches at the Parks.     

Bringing a hat is suggested.

Bring a beverage of your choice, if you wish, for the bus ride.

SSCL will provide sunscreen, insect repellant, tick remover, a small first aid kit and hand sanitizer for your use.