Picture of Jingang Zhao

Jingang Zhao PhD 1992 (Yale)


Graduate Supervisor in Economics
Faculty Member in Economics

Arts 810

Research Area(s)

  • Microeconomic theory
  • Game theory
  • Industrial organization
  • Chinese economic history

About me

2024-25 Courses  &  T1 hrs:     By appointments   
Econ 343 
(on sabbatical in T2)
Econ 805

Jingang Zhao is Professor of Economics at the University of Saskatchewan. He previously taught at Iowa State University (2000-2002) and Ohio State University (1992-2000). With a background in applied math and mechanics, he received his PhD in economics under Herbert Scarf, Martin Shubik and Richard Levin from Yale University in 1992.

Professor Zhao is renowned for his discovery of hybrid games, which were highlighted by JEP’s Forecasts for the Future of Economics (Allen, 146-148, Winter 2000) as a pivotal area in 21st-century economic theory. He has also made significant contributions to the study of horizontal mergers and the Coase theorem. His current research focuses on the impact of free trade agreements. For further information, visit his Google page.


Journal articles:

The Core in an N-firm Dynamic Cournot Oligopoly" (with L. Wang), Mathematical Social Sciences 129 (2024), 20-26.

“Choice of Technology Progress Path in an Applied General Equilibrium Model” (with S. Han and Y. Xi), China Economic Quarterly 87 (2022), 677-702. [ 韩松、习媛杰、赵进钢, "技术进步路径选择 - 基于一般均衡的研究",《经济学(季刊)》第87期, 2022年3月 ]

“Bilateral Free Trade Agreements in a Four-Country Model with a Digital Technology Perspective" (with H. Wang), Journal of Digital Economy 1 (2022), 192–208

“Merger Effects in Asymmetric and Differentiated Bertrand Oligopolies" (with H. Wang), Mathematical Social Sciences 120 (2022), 37-49.

"Three Little-known and yet still Significant Contributions of Lloyd Shapley”, Games and Economic Behavior 108 (2018), 592–599.

“A Reexamination of the Coase Theorem”, Journal of Mechanism and Institution Design 3 (2018), 111-132.

"An Open Problem on Inverse Matrices from Industrial Organization, and a Partial Solution”, Linear Algebra and its Applications 437 (2012), 294–306.

 “Why Are Firms Sometimes Unwilling to Reduce Costs?" (with H. Wang), Journal of Economics 101 (2010), 103-24.

“Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for the Optimal Number of Firms”, Journal of Economics 98 (2009), 235–46.

"Estimating Merging Costs by Merger Preconditions”, Theory and Decision 66 (2009), 373-99.

 “On the Efficiency of Indirect Taxes in Differentiated Oligopolies with Asymmetric Costs" (with H. Wang), Journal of Economics 96 (2009), 223-39.

"Welfare Reductions from Small Cost Reductions in Differentiated Oligopoly" (with H. Wang), International Journal of Industrial Organization 25 (2007), 173-85.

“The Complete Welfare Effects of Cost Reductions in a Cournot Oligopoly” (with D. Smythe), Journal of Economics 87 (2006), 181-93.

"The Relative Interior of the Base Polyhedron and the Core," Economic Theory 18 (2001), 635-48.

"A Characterization for the Negative Welfare Effects of Cost Reduction in Cournot Model," International Journal of Industrial Organization 19 (2001), 455-69.

"The Core in an Oligopoly Market with Indivisibility," Economic Theory 16 (2000), 181-98.

"The Labor Market Effects of Non-wage Compensations” (with M. Hashimoto), Labour Economics 7 (2000), 55-78.

"A Beta-core Existence Result and its Application to Oligopoly Market," Games and Economic Behavior 27 (1999), 153-68.

"The Existence of TU Alpha-Core in Norm Form Games," International Journal of Game Theory 28 (1999), 25-34.

 “A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for the Convexity in Oligopolistic Games," Mathematical Social Sciences 37 (1999), 189-204.

“Some Envelope Theorems for Integer and Discrete Choice Variables” (with R. Sah), International Economic Review 39 (1998), 623-34.

"A Cooperative Analysis of Covert Collusion in Oligopolistic Industries," International Journal of Game Theory 26 (1997), 249-66.

"The Lower Semicontinuity of Optimal Solution Set,"  Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application 207 (1997), 240-54.

"The Hybrid Equilibria and Core Selection in Exchange Economies with Externalities,”  Journal of Mathematical Economics  26 (1996), 387-407.

"Cooperative Processing of Information via Choice at an Information Set" (with T. Ichiishi and A. Idzik), International Journal of Game Theory  23 (1994), 145-65.

 “The Hybrid Solutions of an N-person Game,” Games and Economic Behavior 4 (1992), 145-60.

  “The Equilibria of Multiple Objective Games,” International Journal of Game Theory 20 (1991), 171-82. 

 “A Strategic Market Game of a Finite Exchange Economy with a Mutual Bank” (with M. Shubik), Mathematical Social Sciences  22 (1991), 257-74.

"The Economic Analysis and Estimation for the Tri-county Region of Shangqiou, Ningling and Minquan" (with J. Sun and Z. Zhu), Henan Science 1 (1986), 93-101. [ 祝卓、孙久文、赵进钢,"商丘、宁陵、民权三县农业生产结构分析",《河南科学》1986年第1期 ]

"Results on the Absolute Solutions of Multiobjective Mathematical Programming", Journal of Beijing Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 3 (1983), 107-114. [ 赵进钢,"关于多目标数学规划绝对最优解的探讨",《北京航空学院学报》1983年第3期 ]

Book Chapters:

 "TU Oligopoly Games and Industrial Cooperation” (wp, print), in L. Corchón and M. Marini (ed.), Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar (2018).


China games microeconomic organization taxes