Picture of Walter Kreyszig

Walter Kreyszig B. Mus. with Distinction in Flute Performance (Windsor), M.A. in Musicology ( Western Ontario), M. Phil. in Musicology (Yale), Ph.D. in Musicology (Yale), FABI (Raleigh, North Carolina); DDG (Cambridge, England)

Professor of Musicology, Department of Music; Member of Executive, Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Department of History; Associate Member, Department of Educational Foundations

School for the Arts professor emeritus

Education 1058


Selection of Publications (by Year)

  • Kreyszig, W. "Toward the Rhythmic Interpretation of Medieval Secular Monophony: The Preeminence of Orality over the Written Transmission of the Troubadour, Trouvere, Minnesang and Meistersang Repertories, ca. 1100 - ca. 1600" In Festschrift Jim Grier, edited by Huang Huang. Kitchener, Ontario: Institute of Mediaeval Music Accepted
  • Kreyszig, W. "Antonio Caldara and the cori spezzati: On Retrospective Tendencies in the Te Deum for Two Four-Voice Choirs a cappella" In Antonio Caldara (1670-1736) and the Performance of Power, edited by Alan Maddox. Vienna: Hollitzer-Verlag Accepted
  • Kreyszig, W. ""I felt as if I had found a diamond": The Mozart Enthusiast Sir William Sterndale Bennett in the Context of His Mulitfaceted Mozart-Revival" In Festschrift R. Larry Todd, first edition, edited by Anna Celenza and Katharina Uhde. Vienna: Hollitzer-Verlag Accepted
  • Kreyszig, W. ""...scheinen die Blasinstrumente bunte Farben auf die musikalische Komposition aufzutragen und ihr ein lebendiges Kolorit zu geben": Ludwig van Beethovens Drei Zapfenstreiche (WoO 19020) und Marsch zur grossen Wachparade (WoO 24)" In "1789: und die Folgen: Revolutionaere Militarmusik, edited by Manfred F,. Heidler. Bonn: Militaermusikdienst der Bundeswehr In Press
  • Kreyszig, W. ""Nam nihil est intellectu, quod non prius fuit in sensu": Leopold Mozart's Versuch einer gruendlichen Violinschule (Augsburg, 1756) as a Reflection of Musial Humanism in Eighteenh-Century Salzburg and Beyond" In Mozart in Salzburg, edited by Simon P. Keefe. Vienna: Hollitzer-Verlag In Press
  • Kreyszig, W. "Musical Networking in the Long Nineteenth Century Between Austria and Canada: Theodore Frederich Molt's Visit with Ludwig van Beethoven in Vienna in Mid-December 1825 as the Beginning of the Beethoven Reception in Canada" In Musical Networking in the Long Nineteenth entury, first edition, edited by Vjera Katalinic. Zagreb: Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts Accepted
  • Kreyszig, W. ""...of this miraculous music by its best interpreter": Johann Sebastian Bach's Ciaccona, Joseph Joachimand His Contribution to the 1908 Edition of Bach's Sei solo a Violino senza Basso accompagnato, BWV 1001-1006," In Joseph Joachim: Identitaeten / Identities, first edition, edited by Katharina Uhde and Michael Uhde. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag Accepted
  • Kreyszig, W. "Beyond the Founding of Cultural Institutions -- Murray Adaskin as Mediator in Enhancing the Cultural Exchange Between Canada and Great Britain: A Neglected Chapter in the Post-World War II Renewal" In The Legacy of Murray Adaskin as Performing Musician, Composer and Pedagogue, Vol. 2 of The Vision of Murray Adaskin (1906-2002): His Contributions to the Musical Scene of Canada and Beyond, edited by Sheila Kreyszig and Walter Kurt Kreyszig. Vienna, Austria: Hollitzer Accepted
  • Kreyszig, W. "Giuseppe Tartini, the philosophia naturae, and the natura-ars Dichotomy: In Defence of natura as the Key to His Traite des agrements de la musique" In In Search of Perfect Harmony: Tartini's Music and Music Theory in Local and European Contexts, first edition, edited by Nejc Sukljan, 169-202. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2022.
  • Kreyszig, Sheila, Kreyszig, Walter Kurt. "The Friendship of Murray and Dorothea Adaskin with Roma Engmann and Gunnar Mollar Rasmussen: The Special Concert at Vintergaarden, Denmark in 1999 with Murray Adaskin as Honored Guest and the Birthday Letter to Murray Adaskin in 2002" In Murray Adaskin in Or Memory, Vol. 1 of The Vision of Murray Adaskin (1906-2002): His Contributions to the Musical Scene of Canada and Beyond, first edition, edited by Sheila Kreyszig and Walter Kurt Kreyszig. Vienna, Austria: Hollitzer Accepted
  • Kreyszig, W. "My Initial Encounter with Murray Adaskin and Frances James as Advocates of European Culture in Canada" In Murray Adaskin in Our Memory, Vol. 1 of The Vision of Murray Adaskin (1906-2002): His Contributions to the Musical Scene of Canada and Beyond, first edition, edited by Sheila Kreyszig and Walter Kurt Kreyszig. Vienna, Austria: Hollitzer Accepted
  • Kreyszig, W. "Nikolaus Delius come revisore del repertorio flautistico settecenteso: Il Concerto in sol Maggiore per flauto e orchestra (LMV IX:1) di Leopold Mozart (Dono Delius C 341), translated by Mara Luzzatto". Il Paganini: Quaderno del Conservatorio :Niccolo Paganini" di Genova 9 (2022): 10-34.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Humanistische Tendenzen im Versuch einer gruendlichen Violinschule (1756) von Leopold Mozart, im Versuch einer Anweisung die FLoete traversiere zu spielen (1752) von Johann Joachim Quantz und im Notenbuch (1785) von Thomas Attwood" In Leopold Mozart: Chronist und Wegbereiter -- Dokumentation einer tagung, first edition, edited by Thomas Hochradner and Michaela Schwarzbauer. Vienna: Hollitzer Wissenschaftsverlag Accepted
  • Kreyszig, W. "Die weltlichen und geistlichen Werke des Moenchs von Salzburg im Kontext der Muendlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit von Monophonie und Polyphonie: Von der urspruenglichen Aufzeichnung zur spaeteren Ueberlieferung seines Repertoires" In Der Moench von Salzburg im Interpretionsprofil der Gegenwart, Vol. 7 of Veroeffentlichungen des Arbeitsschwerpunktes Salzburger Musikgeschichte, first edition, edited by Siegrid Schmidt andThomas Hochradner, 97-118. Vienna, Austria: Hollitzer, 2021.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Luigi Boccherinis Floetenquintette op. 17 (G 419-424): Zur autographen Violine I in der Handschrift Paris, Bibliotheque nationale de France, Ms. 16735, mit besonderer Beruecksichtigung des Floetenquintetts in G-Dur (G 423)" In Instrumentalmusik neben Haydn und Mozart: Analyse, Auffuehrungspraxis und Edition, Vol. 20 of Saarbruecker Studien zur Musikwissenschaft, first edition, edited by Stephanie Klauk, 273-305. Wuerzburg, Germany: Koenigshausen & Neumann, 2021.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Theodore Frederic Molt (1795-1856) as German Emigrant to North America: His Cultivation of the Musical Dialogue Between the New World and Central Europe" In Zwischen Identitaetsbewahrung und Akkulturation: Deutsche Musikgeschichte in Uebersee / Between Identity Preservation and Acculturation: German Music History Overseas, first edition, edited by Christian Storch in collaboration with Marcus Holler, 115-158. Wuerzburg, Germanny: Koenigshausen & Neumann / Studio Verlag, 2020.
  • Kreyszig, W. "The Canon in Giovanni Maria Bononcini's Instrumental Music, 1666-1678: Negotiating Between Compositional Practice and Music Theoretical Discourse" In I Bononcini: Da Modena all'Europa (1666-1747), Vol. 31 of Studi e Saggi, first edition, edited by Marc Vanscheeuwijck, 59-72. Lucca, Italy: Libreria Musicale Italiana, 2020.
  • Kreyszig, W. ""Movement is Dangerous: Let us Abide in the Old Things which Have a Permanent Foundation": Interdisciplinarity Embedded within the Humanist Mode of Thinking as an Alternative to the Dehumanization of the Humanities". Astrolabio: Revista internacional de filosofia 23 (2019): 288-322.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Ein in der Sekundaerliteratur uebersehenes Quodlibet in Samuel Scheidts Geistlichen Concerten, Teil 1 (Halle an der Saale, 1631): Stylus antiquus und stylus modernus in Danket dem Herrn / Vater unser / Wir danken dir, Herr Gott, himmlischer Vater, SWV 212" In Barockmusik als europaeischer Brueckenschlag: Festschrift fuer Klaus-Peter Koch, first edition, edited by Claudia Behn, 223-237. Beeskow, Germany: Ortus Musikverlag, 2019.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Oltre il Versuch einer Anweisung die Floete traversiere zu spielen (Berlino, 1752) die J.J. Quantz (1697-1773): il suoi Capricci per flauto solo contenuti nel manoscritto di Copenaghen (Collezione Giedde I,17) nel contesto del suo approccio pedagogico". Il Paganini: Quaderno del Conservatorio "N. Paganini" di Genova 5 (2019): 103-117.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Ritratto di Gaffurio, ed. by Davide Daolmi, Vol. 3 of Studi e Saggi. Lucca: Libreria Musicale Italiana, 2017" Review of , The Renaissance Quarterly
  • Kreyszig, W. "Ancient Greek Music Theory in the Context of Historiography: Filling a Lacuna in the Study of the Greek Systema Teleion - The Music of Ancient Greece: An Encyclopedia (1978) by Solon Michaelides". Mousikos Logos 3 (2016-2018) (2018): 29-62.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Il processo di trasformazione della Serenata dal genere Musica all'aperto al regno della Hausmusik: Spostamento paradigmatico nella giustapposizione [...] nella Serenata in re maggiore per flauto, violino e viola, op. 25 di Ludwig van Beethoven". Il Paganini" Quaderno del Conservatorio "N/ Paganini" di Genova 4 (2018): 115-126.
  • Kreyszig, W. "The Eminent Pedagogue J.J. Quantz as Instructor of Frederick the Great During the Years 1728-1741: The Solfeggi, the Versuch [...] and the Capricen [...] , the Floetenbuch [...] and the 28 Variationen ueber die Arie "Ich schlief [...] (QV 1:98)" In 450 Jahre Staatskapelle Berlin - eine Bestandsaufnahme: Bericht der Konferenz "Krisen und Bluetenzeiten: Die Entwicklung der Koeniglich-Preussischen Hofkapelle von 1713 bis 1806,, first edition, edited by Lena von der Hoven and Juergen Luh as Vol. 6 of Kulturgeschichte Preussens: Colloquien. Berlin, Germany: perspectivia.net: Elektronische Publikationsplattform der Max Weber Stiftung, 2018.
  • Kreyszig, W. "The Thirteen Non-Liturgical Fugues a 4 in Le livre d'orgue de Montreal" In Perspectives on Early Keyboard Music and Revival in the Twentieth Century, Vol. 3 of Ashgate Historical Keyboard Series, first edition, edited by Rachelle Taylor and Hank Knox, 135-161. London, UK: Routledge, 2018.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Franchino Gaffurio: De harmonia" In Musiktheorie von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, Vol. 1 of Lexikon: Schriften ueber Musik, first edition, edited by Ullrich Scheideler and Felix Woerner, 163-165. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2017.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Franchino Gaffurio: Theorica musice" In Musiktheorie von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, Vol. 1 of Lexikon: Schriften ueber Musik, first edition, edited by Ullrich Scheideler and Felix Woerner, 158-161. Kassel and Stuttgart: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2017.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Martin Agricola: Musica Choralis Deudsch" In Musiktheorie von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, Vol. 1 of Lexikon: Schriften ueber Musik, first edition, edited by Ullrich Scheideler and Felix Woerner, 8-9. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metlzer, 2017.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Martin Agricola: Musica Figuralis Deudsch" In Musiktheorie von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, Vol. 1 of Lexikon: Schriften ueber Musik, first edition, edited by Ullrich Scheideler and Felix Woerner, 12-14. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2017.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Martin Agricola: Musica Instrumentalis Deudsch" In Musiktheorie von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, Vol. 1 of Lexikon: Schriften ueber Musik, first edition, edited by Ullrich Scheideler and Felix Woerner, 9-11. Kassel and Stuttgart: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2017.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Adam von Fulda: De musica" In Musiktheorie von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, Vol. 1 of Lexikon: Schriften ueber Musik, first edition, edited by Ullrich Scheideler and Felix Woerner, 3-5. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2017.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Zur Beziehung zwsichen compositio und diminutio im Kontext der Telemann-Rezeption: Georg Philipp Telemanns :Methodische Sonaten" (Hamburg 1728, 1732) als Vorbild fuer den "Versuch" (Berlin 1752) von Johann Joachim Quantz?" In Vom Umgang mit Telemanns Werk einst und jetzt: Telemann-Rezeption in drei Jahhunderten, Bericht ueber die Internationale Wissenschaftliche Konferenz, Magdeburg, 15. und 16. Maerz 2012, Vol. 19 of Telemann-Konferenzberichte, first edition, edited by Carsten Lange and Brit Reipsch, 33-57. Hildesheim, Germany: Georg Olms Verlag, 2017.
  • Kreyszig, W. ""Mit Haydn beginnt die Musik eine neue Zeitrechnung": Zur Verknuepfung von stile antico, fugierter Schreibart, stile galante und freierem Stil in den Finalsaetzen von Franz Joseph Haydns Op. 20/2, Op/ 20/5 und Op/ 20/6 (1772)" In The String Quartet: From the Private to the Public Sphere, Vol. 27 of Speculum Musicae, first edition, edited by Christian Speck, 23-59. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2016.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Luigi Boccherini Composing His Opus ultimum under the Patronage of Spain: Inventiveness, Animation and Sensibility in the Sonata Form Moement of His Fragmentary String Quartet No. 91 in D Major op. 64, No. 2, G249 (1804)" In The String Quartet in Spain, Vol. 22 of Varia Musicologica, first edition, edited by Christiane Heine and Juan Miguel Gonzalez Martinez, 387-422. Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Peter Lang, 2016.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Heinrich Ignaz Franz Bibers Teilhabe am kulturellen Transfer von Venedig nach Salzburg: Die Missa Salisburgensis im Kontext der von San Marco ausgehenden Cori spezzati-Tradition im Zuge einer erweiterten antiphonalen Praxis" In Von Venedig nach Salzburg: Spurenlese eines vielschichtigen Transfers, Vol. 3 of Veroeffentlichungen der Forschungsplattform Salzburger Musikgeschichte, first edition, edited by Gerhard Ammerer, Ingonda Hannesschlaeger and Thomas Hochradner, 240-281. Vienna: Hollitzer, 2015.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Leclair's Gouts reunis in His Quatre Livres de Sonates pour Violin et Basso continuo, Opp. 1, 2, 5 & 9: Diatonicism, Chromaticism, Voice Exchange, Bimodality, and Enharmonic Modulation" In Locatelli and the Violin Bravura Tradition, Vol. 9 of Studies in Italian Music History, first edition, edited by Fulvia Morabito, 59-94. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2015.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Traditionalitaet, Originalitaet und Experimentierfreudigkeit in Wolfgang Amadeus Mozarts Lodi-Quartett. KV 80 (= 73f) im Vorfeld seiner Annaeherung zum Klassischen Streichquartett als Gattung der Wiener Klassik: Zu den beiden Fassungen des Trios" In Die Wiener Klassiker und das Italien ihrer Zeit: Festschrift fuer Christian Speck zum 60. Geburtstag, Vol. 19 of Studien zur Musik, first edition, edited by Petra Weber, 113-160. Paderborn, Germany: Wilhelm Fink, 2015.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Boccherini Studies Vol. 3, edited by Christian Speck, Bologna: Ut Orpheus Edition, 2011, ix & 278 pp." Review of , Ad Parnassum: A Journal of Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Instrumental Music
  • Kreyszig, W. "Hector Berlioz's Technique of Conducting in Theory and Practice: His Subdivision of the tactus in Le chef d'orchestre, theorie de son art and His Scores" In Orchestral Conducting in the Nineteenth Century, Vol. 23 of Speculum Musicae, first edition, edited by Roberto Illiano and Michaela Niccolai, 213-248. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2014.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Luigi Boccherini's Six Quintettini Op. 17 (G 419-424): On the Pre-Eminence of the Musical Figure over the Motif in the Vermanierierten Manheimmer Gout in His Quintet in D-Major, op. 17, No. 1". Boccherini Studies: New Evidence, Vol. 4 of Boccherini Studies one volume (2014): 233-289.
  • Kreyszig, W. "William Mahrt's Notion of Gregorian Chant as a Polyphonic Fundamentum: Gregorio Allegri's Miserere (1638) and Historiography" In Chant and Culture: Proceedings of the Conference of the Gregorian Institute of Canada, University of British Columbia, August 6-9, 2013 , Vol. 105 of Wissenschaftliche Abhandlunge / Musicological Studies, first edition, edited by Armin Karim and Barbara Swanson, 161-189. Lions Bay, British Columbia: The Institute of Medieaval Music, 2014.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozarts Entwurfprozess in der Missa Brevis in F-Dur, KV 192 (=186f) vom Autograph zum Opus perfectum: Die autographe Ergaenzung der Clarini I & II im Kontext der zeitgenoessischen Salzburger Auffuehrungspraxis" In Zur Aesthetik des Vorlaeufigen, Vol. 27 of Wissenschaft und Kunst, first edition, edited by Thomas Hochradner in collaboration with Sarah Haslinger, 77-104. Heidelberg, Germany: Universitaetsverlag Winter, 2014.
  • Kreyszig, W. "William Byrd's My Ladye Nebells booke (1591): Negotiating Between the stile antico and stile moderno in the Solo Keyboard Repertory" In Interpreting Historical Keyboard Music: Sources, Contexts and Performance, Vol. 1 of Ashgate Historical Keyboard Series, first edition, edited by Andrew Woolley and John Kitchen, 31-40. Farnham, Surry, UK and Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate, 2013.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Bilingual Introduction to Edition of" In Johann Georg Albrechtsberger, Concerto in C-Major for Harp and Orchestra, Vol. 1263 of Study Score, first edition, edited by no editor. Munich: Musikproduktion Hoeflich, 2012.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Das Guidonische Hexachord als Zugang zu Studier- und Lehrgegenstand von Kompositionspraktiken des stile antico im Wien des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts: Johann Joseph Fux als Mittelsmann zwischen Johann Jakob Froberger und Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart" In Im Schatten des Kunstwersk I: Komponisten als Theoretiker in Wien vom 17. bis Anfang 19. Jahrhundert, Vol. 1 of Wiener Veroeffentlichungen zur Theorie und Interpretation der Musik, one volume, edited by Dieter Torkewitz in collaboration with Elisabeth Haas, 159-192. Vienna : Praesens Verlag, 2012.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Quantz's Adagio in C-Major for Flute and Basso continuo (QV 1:7) in His Versuch (1752): Baroque Ornamentation in the Context of the Mid-18th Century Music Theoretical Discourse and Compositions in the stilus mixtus". Ad Parnassum: A Journal of Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Instrumental Music 10, 20 (2012): 139-171.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Bilingual Introduction to Edition of" In Johann Georg Albrechtsberger, Concerto for Organ and Orchestra, Vol. 1177of Musikproduktion Hoeflich, first edition, edited by Laszlo Somfai. Munich, Germany: Musikproduktion Hoeflich, 2011.
  • Kreyszig, W. "The Significance of Iconography in the Print Culture of the Late-Fifteenth-Century Music Theoretical Discourse: The Theoricum opus musice discipline (1480) and Theorica musice (1492) of Franchino Gaffurio in the Context of His Trilogy". Music in Art: International Journal for Music Iconography 35/1-2, 1-2 (2010): 53-70.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Zweig, Stephan" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 680. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Weidemann, Charles Frederick (Carl Friedrich)" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David VIckers, 667. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Vanneschi, Francesco" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 654. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W., Vickers, David. "Valeriani, Belisario" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 653. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Tate, Nahum" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 631. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Sources and Collections: 11. The Kiesewetter Collection" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopdia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 610. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Smith, William Charles" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 595. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Santini, Fortunato" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 567. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Rolland, Romain" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 551. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Panccieri, Giulio [anagrams: Louigi Carenpi, Luigio Rincepa, C.G.F.P.]" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David VIckers, 485. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Marcello, Benedetto Giacomo" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 407-408. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Lustig, Jacob Wilhelm ['Wohlgemuth, Conrad']" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 404-405. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Lucchini (Luchini), Antonio Maria" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 402. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Legrenzi, Giovanni" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 384-385. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Kreienberg (Kreyenberg), Friedrich Christoph" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David VIckers, 378. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 377. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Kiesewetter, Raphael Georg" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 375. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Jubilate (Latin: 'Jubilate Deo')" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annnette Landgraf and David Vickers, 366-367. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Hinsch, Heinrich" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 327. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Graun, Carl Heinrich" In Cambridge HandelEncyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 271-272. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Giacomelli (Jacomelli), Geminiano" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 258. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Gainsborough, 4th Earl of (Baptist Noel)" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 248. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Fuchs, Aloys" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 246-247. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Flower, Sir (Walter) Newman" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David VIckers. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Farinel, Jean-Baptiste (Giovanni Battista Farinelli)" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 223. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Ducas (or Doukas), Michael" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 200. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Dalrymple, Sir David" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 179. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Crudel tiranno amor" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 175-176. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Conradi(ne), Madame" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 162. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Church Music, German" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David VIckers, 148-149. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Cesti, Pietro Antonio" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 131-132. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Greenacombe, John, Kreyszig, W. "Caporale, Francisco (Francis)" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 122. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Campistron, Jean Galbert de" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 116. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Bussani, Giacomo Francesco" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 111. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Buckingham Palace" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 108-109. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Briani, Francesco" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annnette Landgraf and David Vickers, 104. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Brady, Nicholas" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 102. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Barllocci, Giovanni Gualberto (Gianguelberto)" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 82-83. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Arcadian Academy, The [Accademia degli Arcadi]" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 50. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Angelini, Antonio Giuseppe" In Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, first edition, edited by Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, 37. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. ""Leopold Mozart ... a man of much ... sagacity": The Revival of Humanist Scholarship in His Gruendliche Violinschule (Augsburg, 1789)" In Music's Intellectual History, Vol. 1 of Repertoire International de Litterature Musicale (RILM) Perspectives, first edition, edited by Zdravko Blazekovic and Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie, 43-156. New York: Repertoire International de Litterature Musicale, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, Herbert, Kreyszig, W. "The Transmission of Pythagorean Arithmetic [...] During the Renaissance: A Computational Approach of Identifying and Analyzing the Formation of Scales in the De harmonia [...] (Milan, 1518) of Franchino Gaffurio (1451-1522)" In Mathematics and Computation in Music: First International Conference, MCM 2007, Berlin, Germany, May 2007: Revised Selected Papers, Vol. 37 of Communications in Computer and Information Sciences, first edition, edited by Timour Klouche and Thomas Noll, 395-405. Berlin - Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Verlag, 2009.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Wuensch, Gerhard" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, secodn edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Supplement, cols. 1160-1163. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2008.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Ridout, Godfrey" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Sypplement, cols. 759-762. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2008.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Pishny-Floyd, Monte Keene" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Supplement, cols. 680-682. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2008.
  • Kreyszig, W. "McIntyre, Paul" In Die Mysik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Supplement, cols. 542-545. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2008.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Hetu, Jacques" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Supplement, cols. 323-327. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2008.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Forsyth, Malcom" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig FInscher, Supplement, cols. 205-210. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany : Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2008.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Beyond the Music-Theoretical Discourse in Franchino Gaffurio's Trilogy: The Significance of the Paratexts in Contemplating the Magic Triangle Between Author, Opus, and Audience" In "Cui dono lepidum novum libellum": Dedicating Latin Works and Motets in the Sixteenth Century, Vol. 23 of Supplementa Humansitica Lovaniensia, first edition, edited by Ignace Bossuyt, Nele Gabriels, Dirk Sacre and Demmy Verbeke, 161-193. Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press, 2008.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Wilson, Charles M(ills)" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 17 (Personenteil), cols. 996-997. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2007.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Willan, (James) Healey" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 17 (Personenteil), cols. 965-967. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2007.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Weinzweig, John Jacob" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 17 (Personenteil), cols. 706-709. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2007.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Walter, Arnold Maria" In Die Musik in Geschiche und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 17 (Personenteil), cols. 439-440. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2007.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Vivier, Claude" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 17 (Personenteil), cols. 148-150. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2007.
  • Kreyszig, W. "IV. Music" In Brill's Encyclopedia of the Ancient World: New Pauly, first edition, edited by Manfred Landfester in collaboration with Hubert Cancik and Helmuth Schneider, Vol. 2, cols. 1036-1039. Leiden and Boston, Massachusetts: Brill, 2007.
  • Kreyszig, W. "The Continuation of the Roman Cinquecento Madrigal as a Sacred Parody in Seventeenth-Century Germany: Luca Marenzio's Five-Voice "Dolorosi martir" (1580) and Michael Praetorius's Six-Voice "Magnificat super Dolorosi martir" (1611)" In Luca Marenzio e il madirgale romano: Atti del convegno internazionale di studi Roma, 9-10 settembre 2005, part of L'arte armonica, Series 3, Studi e testi, Vol. 7, first edition, edited by Franco Piperno, 213-270. Rome: Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia - Fondazione, 2007.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Tracing Wolfgang Hildesheimer's Assessment of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Legacy to Franz Schubert's Diary Entry of 1816: The Case of Mozart's String Quintet in g-minor, KV 516 (1787)" In Mozart - Eine Herausforderung fuer Literatur und Denken / Mozart - A Challenge for Literature and Thought, part of Jahrbuch fuer Internationale Germanistik, Series A, Vol. 89, first edition, edited by Ruediger Goerner in Collaboration with Carly McLaughlin, 177-233. Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Peter Lang, 2007.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Truax, Barry" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 16 (Personenteil), cols. 1084-1085. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2006.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Tremblay, Gilles" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 16 (Personenteil), cols. 1028-1030. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2006.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Somers, Harry" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Alltgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig FInscher, Vol. 15 (Personenteil), cols. 1037-1039. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2006.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Slonimsky, Nicholas" In Die Msuik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 15 (Personenteil), cols. 917-918. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2006.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Sharman, Rodney" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 15 (Personenteil), cols. 675-676. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2006.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Schuler, Manfred" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 15 (Personenteil), cols. 220-222. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2006.
  • Kreyszig, W. ""Ich bleibe bey der reinen alten Composition, und reinen Regeln": Zu den Magnificat-cum-laudibus Vertonungen (SSWV 299, 309 und 313) in den Geistlichen Konzerten, Teil III (Halle,1635) von Samuel Scheidt" In Samuel Scheidt (1587-1654): Werk und Wirkung, Vol. 20 of Schriften des Haendel-Hauses in Halle, first edition, edited by Konstanze Musketa and Wolfgang Ruf in collaboration with Goetz Traxdorf and Jans Wehmann, 95-134. Halle an der Saale, Germany: Haendel-Haus, 2006.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Motivische Arbeit: Aspects of Sonata Form in the Minuets of KV 421 (=417b) and KV 458 and Their Relationship to the Scherzi of Joseph Haydn's Opus 33, Hob. III:37-42" In Essays by Alumnae and Alumni of the Don Wright Faculty of Music, University of Western Ontario, Vols. 19-20 (2000-2001) of Studies in Music from the University of Western Ontario, first edition, edited by James Grier, 199-256. London, Ontario: Faculty of Music, University of Western Ontario, 2006.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Scheck, Gustav" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 14 (Personenteil), cols. 1193-1194. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2005.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Schafer, R. Murray" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 14 (Personenteil), cols. 1170-1174. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2005.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Rampal, Jean-Pierre" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2005.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Prevost, Andre" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 13 (Personenteil), cols. 927-929. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2005.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Pepin, Clermont" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, secpnd edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 13 (Personenteil), cols. 279-280. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2005.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Pentland, Barbara" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 13 (Personenteil), cols. 276-278. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2005.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Pass, Walter" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 13 (Personenteil), cols. 173-174. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2005.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Papineau-Couture, Jean" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig FInscher, Vol. 13 (Personenteil), cols. 93-95. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany:: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2005.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Palisca, Claude V." In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 13 (Personenteil), cols. 48-49. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2005.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Nicolet, Aurele" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 12 (Personenteil), cols. 1063-1064. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2004.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Moyse, Marcel" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 12 (Personenteil), cols. 576-577. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2004.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Molt, Theodore Frederic" In Die Msuik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 12 (Personenteil), cols. 323-324. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2004.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Mercure, Pierre" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 12 (Personenteil), cols. 20-21. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2004.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Matton, Roger" In Die Msuik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 11 (Personenteil), cols. 1360-1362. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2004.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Matton, Roger" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 11 (Personenteil), cols. 1360-1363. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2004.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Mather, Bruce" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 11 (Personenteil), cols. 1307-1308. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2004.
  • Kallmann, Helmut, Kreyszig, W. "MacMillan, Sir Ernest" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 11 (Personenteil), cols. 761-763. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2004.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Auf der Suche nach Vorbildern fuer Schuberts Kompositions- und Revisionsprozess jenseits seines Freundeskreises: Zur Verwendung der due clarini in Mozarts Missa brevis in F-Dur, KV 192 (=186f) und der due clarini [...] in Schuberts Missa in G-Dur, D 167" In Musikgeschichte als Verstehensgeschichte: Festschrift fuer Gernot Gruber zum 65. Geburtstag, first edition, edited by Joachim Bruegge, Franz Foedermayr, Wolfgang Gratzer, Thomas Hochradner and Siegfried Mauser, 225-240. Tutzing, Germany : Hans Schneider, 2004.
  • Kreyszig, W. "BACH-Motiv, Reihenkonstellation, Symmetrie und Variabilitaet in Anton von Weberns Streichquartett, op. 28 (1936-1938): Zur Anwendung des Prinzips der Fasslichkeit und des Zusammenhangs vor dem Hintergrund ternaeren Gattungsdenkens" In Das Streichquartett in der ersten Halfte des 20. Jahrhunderts: Bericht ueber das Dritte Internationale Symposium Othmar Schoeck in Zuerich, 19. und 20. Oktober 2001, Vol. 4 of Schriftenreihe der Othmar Schoeck-Gesellschaft, first edition, edited by Beat A.Foellmi in collaboration with Michael Baumgartner, 211-246. Tutzing, Germany: Hans Schneider, 2004.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Japanese Music under the Influence of the Second Viennese School of COmposition: An Example of East-West Acculturation, Globalization, and Interculturality in the Post-1945 Era" In Musicology and Globalization: Proceedings of the International Congress in Shizuoka 2002 in Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Musicological Society of Japan, first edition, edited by Yoshio Tozawa, 419-422. Tokyo, Japan: Thw Musicological Society of Japan, 2004.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Kreyszig, Walter Kurt" In Die Msuik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 10 (Personenteil), cols. 711-712. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baererneiter and Metzler, 2003.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Kasemets, Udo" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 9 (Personenteil), cols. 1523-1526. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2003.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Kabasta, Oswald" In Die Musik in Geschichte undGegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 9 (Personenteil), cols. 1329-1331. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2003.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Hugues de Berze" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 9 (Personenteil), cols. 483-485. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2003.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Haslmayer, Adam" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 8 (Personenteil), cols. 778-779. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2002.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Hasenkopf, Sebastian" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Ebnzyklopaedie der Musik, secodn edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 8 (Personenteil), cols. 769-770. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2002.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Grafenauer, Irene" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2002.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Graf, Peter-Lukas" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Emzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 7 (Personenteil), cols. 1464-1465. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2002.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Glick, Srul Irving" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 7 (Personenteil), cols. 1071-1072. Kassel and Stuttgart: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2002.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Galway, James" In Die Msuik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metlzer, 2002.
  • Finscher, Ludwig, Kreyszig, W. "Gaffurio, Franchino" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 7 (Personenteil), cols. 393-403. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2002.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Fricker, Herbert Austin" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, secodn edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 7 (Personenteil), cols. 109-110. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2002.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Research and Teaching During the Era of Musical Humanism: Defending the Scholar-Teacher in Response to the Principles of Creation and Dissemination of Knowledge in the Italian University Curriculum and Cultural Milieu of the Court of the Sforzas, [...]" In What is a Teacher-Scholar? Symposium Proceedings, University of Saskatchewan, November 9 & 10, 2001, first edition, edited by Ron Marken, 97-132. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan: University of Saskatchewan, 2002.
  • Wessely, Othmar, Kreyszig, W. "Zanger, Johann" In The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, second edition, edited by Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell, Vol. 27, 743-744. London, UK: MacMillan, 2001.
  • Wessely, Othmar, Kreyszig, W. "Rasch, Johann" In The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, second edition, edited by Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell, Vol. 20, 835. London, UK: MacMillan, 2001.
  • Wessely, Othmar, Kreyszig, W. "Paminger, Leonhard" In The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, second edition, edited by Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell, Vol. 19, 20. London, UK: MacMillan, 2001.
  • Wessely, Ithmar, Kreyszig, W. "Mahu, Syephan" In The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, second edition, edited by Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell, Vol. 15, 635. London, UK: MacMillan, 2001.
  • Wessely, Othmar. "Linck, Johannes" In The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, second edition, edited by Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell, Vol. 14, 708. London, UK: MaccMillan, 2001.
  • Wessely, Othmar, Kreyszig, W. "Haslmayr, Adam" In The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, second edition, edited by Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell, Vol. 11, 93. London, UK: MacMillan, 2001.
  • Wessely, Othmar, Kreyszig, W. "Hasenknopf, Sebastian" In The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, second edition, edited by Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell, Vol. 11, 90. London, UK: MacMillan, 2001.
  • Wessely, Othmar, Kreyszig, W. "Bruck, Arnold von" In The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musiciains, second edition, edited by Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell, Vol. 4, 456-458. London, UK: MacMillan, 2001.
  • Wessely, Othmar, Kreyszig, W. "Belli, Giulio" In The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, second edition, edited by Stanley Adie and John Tyrell, Vol. 3, 193-194. London, UK: MacMillan, 2001.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Fleming, Robert" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 6 (Personenteil), cols. 1318-1321. Kassel and Stuttgart: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2001.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Fiala, George" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 6 (Personenteil), cols. 1110-1113. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2001.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Fabri, Thomas" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, secodn edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 6 (Personenteil), cols. 634-635. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2001.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Eckhardt-Gramatte, Sophie-Carmen" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 6 (Personenteil), cols. 66-73. Kassel and Stuttgart: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 2001.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Interkulturalitaet aus musikwissenschaftlicher Perspektive am Beispiel Kanada - Oesterreich" In Kanada /Europa: Chancen und Probleme der Interkulturalitaet:S Symposium anlaesslich der Eroeffnung des Zentrums fuer Kanada-Studien der Universitaet Wien, 9.-10. Oktober 1998, Vol. 28 of Kanada-Studien, first edition, edited by Waldemar Zacharasiewicz and Fritz Peter Kirsch, 191-232. Hagen, Germany: ISL-Verlag, 2000.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Oswald Kabasta (1896-1946) als Mozartinterpret im Kontext seiner Dirigententaetigkeit: Das Rondo in A-Dur fuer Klavier und Orchester, KV 386, und die Eroerterung der Urfassung". Musicologica Austriacca: Jahresschrift der Oesterreichischen Gesellschaft fuer Musikwissenschaft 19 (2000): 17-91.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Franchino Gaffurio und seine Uebersetzer der griechischen Musiktheorie in der Theorica musice (1492): Ermolao Barbaro, Giovanni Francesco Burana and Marsilio Ficino" In Musik als Text: Bericht ueber den Internationalen Kongress der Gesellschaft fuer Musikforschung, Freiburg im Breisgau 1993, first edition, edited by Hermann Danuser and Tobias Plebuch, Vol. 1, 164-171. Kassel, Germany: Baerenreiter, 1998.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Humanismus, musikalischer" In Pauky's Realenzyklopaedie der Klassischen Altertumswissenschaften, first edition, edited by Manfred Landfester in collaboration with Hubert Cancik and Helmuth Schneider, Vol. 2, cols. 560-563. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1998.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Querfloete" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second revised edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 8 (Sachteil), cols. 1-50. Kassel and Stuttgart, Germany: Baerenreiter and Metzler, 1998.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Marchetto von Padua in musiktheoretischen Drucken des spaeten 15. Jahrhunderts: Terminologie und Etymologie aus rezeptionsgeschichtlicher Perspektive in Franchino Gaffurios Theorica musice (1492) und Practica musicae (1496)" In Festschrift Floridus Roehrig zum 70. Geburtstag am 27. August 1997, Vol. 16 (New Series) of Jahrbuch des Stiftes Klosterneuburg, first edition, edited by Karl Holubar, 93-111. Vienna - Klosterneuburg: Verlag Mayer & Comp., 1997.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Preparing Editions and Translations of Humanist Treatises on Music: Franchino Gaffurio's Theorica musice (1492)" In Music Discourse from Classical to Early Modern Times: Editing and Translating Texts, University of Toronto, 19-20 October 1990, Vol. 26 of Annual Conference on Editorial Problems, University of Toronto, first edition, edited by Maria Rika Maniates, 71-95. Toronto, Ontario and Buffalo, New York: University of Toronto Press, 1997.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Das Fragment Heiligenkreuz, Archiv des Zisterizenserstifts, Fragment ohne Signatur: Eine wenig beachtete Konkordanz zur Ueberlieferung des anonymen Par un regart in der Handschrift Oxford, Bodleian Library, Canonici misc. 213" In Beyond the Moon: Festschrift Luther Dittmer, Vol. 53 of Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen / Musicological Studies, first edition, edited by Bryan Gillingham and Paul Merkley, 273-294. Ottawa, Ontario: The Institute of Mediaeval Music, 1996.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Heiligenkreuz" In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopaedie der Musik, second edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, Vol. 4 (Sachteil), cols. 243-247. Kassel and Stuttgart : Baerenreiter and Metzler, 1996.
  • Kreyszig, W. "English translation of Introduction to" In Martin, Czernin, A Monastic Breviary of Austrian Provenance Linz, Bundesstaatliche Studienbibliothek 290 (183), Vol. 55/3 of Musikwissenschaftliche Abhandlungen / Musicological Studies, first edition, edited by Martin Czernin, vii-xii. Ottawa, Ontario: The Institute of Mediaeval Music, 1995.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Das Praeludium als Uebergangsform vom Hochbarock zum Empfindsamen Stil: Zu Wolfgang Amadeus Mozarts Klavierpraeludium (ohne Koechel-Nummer)" In Actas del XV Congreso de la Sociedad Internacional de Musicologia "Culturas musicales del Mediterraneo y sus ramificaciones", Madrid, 3-10 April 1992, first edition, edited by Alfonso de Vicente as Vol. 16 of Revista de Musicologia, 3439-3457. Madrid, Spain: Sociedad Espanola de Musicologia, 1993.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Der Begriff der Fantasie bei Mozart und dessen Beeinflussung durch Sonate, Praeludium und Tocata: Zur Wechselbeziehung zwsichen Satztechnik und Gattung in der c-Moll-Fantasie KV 475" In Internationaler Musikwissenschaftlicher Kongress zum Mozartjahr 1991, Baden - Wien: Bericht, first edition, edited by Ingrid Fuchs, Vol. 2, 693-715. Tutzing: Hans Schneider, 1993.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Franchino Gaffurio als Vermittler der Msuiklehre des Altertums und des Mittelaltrers: Zur Identifizierung griechischer und lateinischer Quellen in der Theoria musice (1492)". Acta Musicologica 65 (1993): 134-150.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozarts Missa Brevis in F-Dur, KV 192 (= 186f): Zur fragmentarischen Ueberleiferung der Clarino I-Stimme (KV deest) in der Opochinsky Collection of Music Manuscripts der Yale University". Studien zur Musikwissenschaft: Beihefte der Denkmaeler der Tonkunst in Oesterreich 42 (1993): 181-189.
  • Kreyszig, W. translated with introduction and notes, Franchino Gaffurio: The Theory of Music, part of Music Theory Translation Series, ed. by Claude V. Palisca, first edition. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 1993.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Das Menuett Wolfgang Amadeus Mozarts unter dem Einfluss von Franz Joseph Haydns "gantz neue besondere art": Zur Phrasenstruktur in den Menuetten der "Haydn-Quartette"" In Bericht ueber den Internationalen Mozart-Kongress 1991, part of Mozart -Jahrbuch 1991, first edition, edited by Rudolph Angermueller, Dietrich Berke, Ulrike Hofmann and Wolfgang Rehm, Vol. 2, 655-663. Kassel, Germany: Baerenreiter, 1992.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Samuel Scheidt's Choralquodlibet "Dreierlei Choral ineinander componieret": In Quest of Renaissance Equal-Voice Polyphony" In Dietrich Buxtehude and Samuel Scheidt: An Anniversary Tribute - The Proceedings of the International Buxtehude / Scheidt Festival and Conference at the University of Saskatchewan, November 1987, first edition, edited by Isabelle Mills and Walter Kurt Kreyszig, 129-153. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan: University of Saskatchewan, 1988.
  • Isabelle Mills, Walter Kurt Kreyszig, eds.. with Isabelle Mills (University of Saskatchewan), Dietrich Buxtehude and Samuel Scheidt: An Anniversary Tribute - The Proceedings of the International Buxtehude / Scheidt Festival and Conference at the University of Saskatchewan, November 1987; 216 pp., first edition. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan: University of Saskatchewan, 1988.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Das Jeffery-Fragment der University of Western Ontario in London, Kanada: Zur Wiederauffindung eines Teiles des Autographs von Wolfgang Amadeus Mozarts Rondo fuer Klavier und Orchester in A-Dur, KV 386". Mozart-Jahrbuch 1986 (1987): 142-171.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Notiertes Fragment mit schwarzer Mensuralnotation, Handschrift, um 1400: Zisterziensertift Heiligenkreuz, Fragment ohne Signatur" In Musik im mittelalterlichen Wien: Historisches Museum der Stadt Wien, 103. Sonderausstellung, 18. Dezember 1986 - 8. Maerz 1987, first edition, edited by Adalbert Schusser. Vienna, Austria: Museen der Stadt Wien, 1987.
  • Kreyszig, W. "Anton von Weberns Solo-Violinsonate: Konzipiert oder komponiert?". Studien zur Musikwissenschaft: Beihefte der Denkmaeler der Tonkunst in Oesterreich 36 (1985): 177-187.
  • Kreyszig, W. Anonymous Compositions from the Late-Fourteenth and Early-Fifteenth Centuries, Vol. 5 of Forschungen zur aelteren Musikgeschichte, firstedition. Vienna: Wilhelm Braumueller Universitaets-Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1984.
  • Kreyszig, W., Ragg, Ann Heather. "D'Urfey, Thomas, 1653-1723, Wonders in the Sun, in the Fields, from the Opera Kingdom of the Birds" In Opera, 1600-1750 in Contemporary Editions and Manuscripts, first edition, edited by Don J. Neville, Vol. 4/1, 115-116. London, Ontario: Department of Music, Faculty of Music, The University of Western Ontario, 1979.
  • Kreyszig, W., Ibsen, Michael Ian. "Draghi, Antonio, 1635-1700, Set ofTwelve LArge Engravings for the Opera Il fuoco eterno custodito dalle Vestali" In Opera, 1600-1750 in Contemporary Editions and Manuscripts, Vol. 4 of Studies in Music from the University of Western Ontario, first edition, edited by Don J. Neville, Vol. 4/1, 110-111. London, Ontario: Department of Music, Faculty of Music, The University of Western Ontario, 1979.
  • Kreyszig, W., Rossi, Silvana Rita Lucia. "composer unknown, Il tutore balordo, Drama per musica [Libretto, Italian]" In Opera, 1600-1750 in Contemporary Editions and Manuscripts, Vol. 4 of Studies in Music from the University of Western Ontario, first edition, edited by Don J. Neville, Vol. 4/1, 88-90. London, Ontario: Department of Music, Faculty of Music, The University of Western Ontario, 1979.
  • Kreyszig, W., Leonard, Charlotte Ann. "Clarke, Jeremiah, ca, 1669-1707, A Dialogue in the Island Princess" In Opera. 1600-1750 in Contemporary Editions and Manuscripts, Vol. 4 of Studies in Music from the University of Western Ontario, first edition, edited by Don J. Neville, Vol, 4/1, 65-66. London, Ontario: Department of Music, Faculty of Music, The University of Western Ontario, 1979.
  • Kreyszig, W., Link, Dorothea Eva. "Cesti, Antonio, 1623-1669, Il pomo d'oro, Festa teatrale [Libretto, Italian" In Opera, 1600-1750 in Contemporary Editions and Manuscripts, Vol. 4 of Studies in Music from the University of Western Ontario, first edition, edited by Don J. Neville, Vol. 4/1, 56-58. London, Ontario: Department of Music, Faculty of Music, The University of Western Ontario, 1979.
  • Kreyszig, W,, Link, Dorothea Eva. "Cavalli, Pier Francesco, 1602-1676, Il Cico, Drama per musica [Libretto, Italian]" In Opera, 1600-1750 in Contemporary Editions and Manuscripts, Vol. 4 of Studies in Music from the University of Western Ontario, first edition, edited by Don J. Neville, Vol. 4/1, 54-56. London, Ontario: Department of Music, Faculty of Music, The University of Western Ontario, 1979.
  • Kreyszig, W., Sokeski, Kim. "Casale, Lodovico, ca. 1575-1647, Poesie de Lodovico Casale, Con un discorso apologetico" In Opera, 1600-1750 in Contemporary Editions and Manuscripts, first edition, edited by Don J, Neville, Vol. 4/1, 50-54. London, Ontario: Department of Music, Faculty of Music, The University of Western Ontario, 1979.
  • Kreyszig, W., McAvoy, Roderick Alan. "Carey, Henry, ca. 1687-1744, The Ladies Lamentation for the Loss of Senesino, Sung by Mr. Roberts, Set for the German Flute" In Opera, 1600-1750 in Contemporary Editions and Manuscripts, Vol. 4 of Studies in Music from the University of Western Ontario, first edition, edited by Don J. Neville, Vol. 4/1, 49-50. London, Ontario: Department of Music, Faculty of Music, The University of Western Ontario, 1979.
  • Kreyszig, W., McAvoy, Roderick Alan. "Carey, Henry, ca. 1687-1743, [The ladies lamentation for the loss of Senesino]" In Opera, 1600-1750 in Contemporary Editions and Manudcripts, first edition, edited by Don J. Neville, Vol. 4/1, 48-49. London, Ontario: Department of Music, Faculty of Music, The University of Western Ontario, 1979.
  • Kreyszig, W. , Beale, Jennifer Jane. "Campra, Andre, 1550-1744, [Tancrede]" In Opera, 1600-1750 in Contemporary Editions and Manuscripts, Vol. 4 of Studies in Music from the University of Western Ontario, first edition, edited by Don J. Neville, Vol. 4/1, 46-48. London, Ontario: Department of Music, Faculty of Music, University of Western Ontario, 1979.
  • Kreyszig, W., Beale, Jennifer Jane. "Campra, Andre, 1660-1774, [Hesione, Libretto, French]" In Opera, 1600-1750 in Contemporary Editions and Manuscripts, Vol. 4 of Studies in Music from the University of Western Ontario, first edition, edited by Don. J. Neville, Vol. 4/1, 44-45. London, Ontario: Department of Music, Faculty of Music, The University of Western Ontario, 1979.
  • Kreyszig, W., Beale, Jennifer Jane. "Campra, Andre, 1660-1774, [Hesione, Libretto, French]" In Opera, 1600-1750 in Contemporary Editions and Manuscripts, Vol. 4 of Studies in Music from the University of Western Ontario, first edition, edited by Don J. Neville, Vol. 4/1, 42-43. London, Ontario: Department of Music, Faculty of Music, The University of Western Ontario, 1979.
  • Kreyszig, W., Beale, Jennifer Jane. "Campra, Andre, 1660-1744, [Hesione]" In Opera, 1600-1750 in Contemporary Editions and Manuscripts, Vol. 4 of Studies in Music from the University of Western Ontario, first edition, edited by Don J. Neville, Vol. 4/1, 40-42. London, Ontario: Department of Music, Faculty of Music, The University of Western Ontario, 1979.
  • Kreyszig, W., Beale, Jennifer Jane. "Campra, Andre, 1660-1744, [Les fetes venitiennes, L'Opera, Libretto, French]" In Opera, 1600-1750 in Contemporary Editions and Manuscripts, Vol. 4 of Studies in Music from the University of Western Ontario, first edition, edited by Don J. Neville, Vol. 4/1, 39-40. London, Ontario: Department of Music, Faculty of Music, The University of Western Ontario, 1979.
  • Kreyszig, W., Beale, Jennifer Jane. "Campra, Andre, 1660-1744, [La carnaval de Venise]" In Opera, 1600-1750 in Contemporary Editions and Manuscripts, Vol. 4 of Studies in Music from the University of Western Ontario, first edition, edited by Don J. Neville, 36-38. London, Ontario: Department of Music, Faculty of Music, The University of Western Ontario, 1979.
  • Kreyszig, W., Stotts, Nancy Elizabeth. "Caballone, Michele, 1692-1740, [Quando mi vedrai vestir]" In Opera, 1600-1750 in Contemporary Editions and Manuscripts, Vol. 4 of Studies in Music from the University of Western Onariof, first edition, edited by Don J. Neville, Vol. 4/1, 35-36. London, Ontario: Department of Music, Faculty of Music, The University of Western Ontario, 1979.
  • Kreyszig, W, Nediger, Charlotte Janine. "Boyce, William, 1710-1779, [The Chaplet]" In Opera, 160--1750 in Contemporary Editions and Manuscripts,Vol. 4 of Studies in Music from the University of Western Ontario, first edition, edited by Don J. Neville, Vol. 4/1, 33-35. London, Ontario: Department of Music, Faculty of Music, The University of Western Ontario, 1979.
  • Kreyszig, W., Stotts, Nancy Elizabeth. "Boretti, Giovanni Antonio, ca. 1640-1672, [Dario in Babilonia, Libretto, Italian" In Opera, 1600-1750 in Contemporary Editions and Manuscripts, Vol. 4 of Studies in Music from the University of Western Ontario, first edition, edited by Don J. Neville, Vol. 4/1, 32-33. London, Ontario: Department of Music, Faculty of Music, The University of Western Ontario, 1979.
  • Kreyszig, W., Bishop, Heather Frances. "Bononcini, Giovanni, 1670-1747, Thamyris, Libretto of the Pasticcio, English & Italian" In Opera, 1600-1750 in Contemporary Editions and Manuscripts, first edition, edited by Don J. Neville, Vol. 4/1, 25-26. London, Ontario: Department of Music History, Faculty of Music, The University of Western Ontario, 1979.
  • Kreyszig, W., Bishop, Heather Francis. "Bononcini, Giovanni, 1670-1747 Thamyris. Score of the Pasticcio" In Opera 1600-1750 in Contemporary Editions and Manuscripts, Vol. 4 of Studies in Music from the University of Western Ontario, first edition, edited by Don Neville, Vol. 4/1, 23-24. London, Ontario: Department of Music History, Faculty of Music, The University of Western Ontario, 1979.


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